Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Chile caught in the middle

The arrival of Alberto Fujimori really couldn't have came at a worse time for Chile. His appearance and subsequent arrest has complicated Chile's relations with Peru, where Fujimori faces charges, yet intends on returning to power; and Japan, where Chilean Foreign Minister Ignacio Walker was scheduled to travel for trade agreement talks this Thursday. Chile announced the postponement of his trip Tuesday due to issues sounding the current situation with Fujimori.

According to the Mainchi Daily News, Japan has asked Chile to allow consular officials to visit Fujimori in Chile. All of this, topped by the border dispute, makes for rough times in the Chilean government. To make it even worse, this interwoven web of international characters and claims comes as Chile moves into the final weeks of a Presidential campaign.



Anonymous said...

I wonder how likely it is for this case to play out in an "ideal" way for the Chilean government, ie, for Fujimori to be eventually extradited to Peru (after a clear show of due process and fair treatment on Chile's part), and for the Japanese government not to object too seriously. We'll have to see what happens with the Supreme Court. El Chino will obviously appeal anyway.
Since he entered Chile on a Peruvian passport, he is a Peruvian citizen (and he put "Peruvian" as his nationality on his entry card) in the eyes of the law, so I can't imagine there's much Japan could do for him.
It can suspend free trade talks with Chile, though. Then again, Chile was able to sign a free trade agreement with the US despite its objection to the Iraq war.
As for the's almost like, "there's a presidential campaign going on?"

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