Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What beer to drink in Chile (If you can afford it)

I thought that I would change pace a bit today, and look at what is undeniably one of the best Chilean beers, Kunstmann.

Brewed in Valdivia, located in southern Chile, it has a great taste, more of a body than some of the other Chilean beers such as Cristal, Austral, or Escudo.

The only downfall, it is rather expensive. You can pick up a four pack (yes a four pack, really should be a six pack in my opinion) for around 2,800 pesos. In bars it averages from 1200 to 1800 pesos a bottle, though there are a couple rare places where it goes for 1000 pesos a draft.
One of those places is Armenia, located on the corner of Chile-España and Irarrazaval in Ñuñoa.



Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree it is a fab beer. If anyone reading this gets a chance to head out to Valdivia , then visit the Kunstmanns Brue house!!Great tour and there give you lots of nice beer and friendly service.

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